My mind is full of peace, poise, balance, and equilibrium. The infinite lies stretched in smiling repose within me. I am not afraid of anything in the past, the present, or the future. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind leads, guides, and directs me in all ways. I now meet every situation with faith, poise, calmness, and confidence. I am now completely free from the habit. My mind is full of inner peace, freedom, and joy. I forgive myself; then I am forgiven. Peace, health, and confidence reign supreme in my mind.
Commentary: You are a creature of habit. Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. You learned to swim, ride a bicycle, dance, and drive a car by consciously doing these things over and over again until they established tracks in your subconscious mind. Then, the automatic habit action of your subconscious mind took over. This is sometimes called second nature, which is a reaction of your subconscious mind to your thinking and acting. You are free to choose a good habit or a bad habit. If you repeat a negative thought or act over a period of time, you will be under the compulsion of a habit. The law of your subconscious is compulsion.
40 Characteristics of Integrous Teachers and Teachings
Surrender is much more likely when the integrity of a teaching or teacher has been verified. Consciousness calibration distills and verifies spiritual truth in its essence and identifies the characteristics of integrous teachers and teachings. Whatever you entrust your soul to should be verifiably trustworthy. The list below serves as a standard of spiritual integrity.
The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life, and I follow the lead which comes clearly into my conscious, reasoning mind. It knows me intimately. It identifies my interests, knowledge, skills, talents, and passions and delivers opportunities to me that I am perfectly suited for and interested in. I accept opportunities and see that I am happy and productive in my work. I am in harmony with my supervisor and coworkers as we strive to achieve common goals. I am able to contribute value and use my mind creatively to discover valuable innovations for products, services, and processes. And I Am compensated accordingly.
Commentary: Nearly everyone wants to live a “purpose-driven life,” but many have no idea what their purpose or station in life is or should be. Use this affirmation to pass the challenge along to your subconscious mind – the creative part of your mind that serves as a gateway to infinite intelligence. Your subconscious mind is the perfect placement service and will deliver a position that is the perfect fit.
“The truly humble person cannot be humiliated. The humble and honest person owns their downside already, so they cannot be hurt, insulted, or slighted. They do not feel violated just because someone else disagrees with them.”
Franklin chose thirteen subjects that he felt were necessary or desirable for him to acquire and try to master, and he gave a week’s strict attention to each subject successively. In this way, he was able to go through his entire list in thirteen weeks and repeat the process four times in a year.
Feel free to substitute some of your own ideas of subjects that you find to be necessary or desirable for you to acquire mastery.
(as he wrote them down, and the order that he used them)
“When the revolution comes to a man that the Divine is working through him, all his labor takes on a highly-charged spiritual significance alongside which material rewards pale. Such a man no longer works for money, no longer works for success, but only for the expression of that mind and consciousness within him which he now knows to be the Supreme manifesting upon the earth. He does the work of the Secret Self and never of his surface self. He subjugates the surface self to a master spirit that uses it as a tool for the effectuation of the divine purpose in the world. The faith that grows out of this knowledge sustains him under the most fierce, adverse pressure. Something higher than heart or intellect upholds him through the longest detours and the blindest groping’s. His egoistic self has found that supreme master and highest philosophy by which it not only understands itself and its place and purpose in the world but also is admitted to a secret place of light and peace and understanding. In the heart of the enlightened man is the hidden knowledge that he is never at the mercy of immediate appearances, that he has within him the power to change all through his identification with the Divine, through his knowledge that the mind in him is the mind in all others.”
U.S. Anderson
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with unexpected success in common hours.”
Wealth-culture consists of making constructive use of the people and things in your environment.
First, get a clear mental picture of what you want. If your present business or profession is not the one most suitable to your talents and tastes, decide upon the one which is most suitable; and determine to get into that business or profession, and to achieve the very greatest success in it. Get a clear idea of what you want to do and get a mental concept of the utmost success in that business or profession, and determine that you will attain to that. Give a great deal of time to forming this concept or mental picture; the more clear and definite it is, the easier will be your work. The man who is not quite sure what he wants to build will put up a wobbling and shaky structure.
Know what you want and keep the picture of it in the background of your mind night and day; let it be like a picture on the wall of your room, always in your consciousness, night and day. And then begin to move toward it. Remember that if you have not the fully developed talent now, you can develop it as you go along; you can surely do what you want to do.
It is quite likely that at present you cannot do the thing you want to do because you are not in the right environment and have not the necessary capital, but this does not hinder you from the beginning to move toward the right environment, and from beginning to acquire capital. Remember that you move forward only by doing what you can in your present environment. Suppose that you have only capital enough to operate a newsstand, and your greatest desire is to own a department store; do not get the idea that there is some magical method by which you can successfully operate a department store on a newsstand capital.
There is, however, a mental science method by which you can so operate a newsstand as to certainly cause it to grow into a department store. Consider that your newsstand is one department of the store you are going to have; fix your mind on the department store and begin to assimilate the rest of it. You will get it if you make every act and thought constructive. To make every act and thought constructive, everyone must convey the idea of increase.
Steadily hold in mind the thought of advancement for yourself; know that you are advancing toward what you want, and act and speak in this faith. Then every word and act will convey the idea of advancement and increase to others, and they will be drawn to you. Always remember that what all people are seeking for is increase.
First, study over the facts in regard to the great abundance until you know that there is wealth for you and that you do not have to take this wealth from anyone else. Avoid the competitive spirit. You can readily see that if there is limitless abundance there is enough for you, without robbing anyone else. Then, knowing that it is the purpose of nature that you should have what you want, reflect upon the fact that you can get it only by acting.
Consider that you can act only upon your present environment, and do not try to act now upon environment of the future. Then remember that in acting upon your present environment, you must make every act a success in itself; and that in doing this you must hold the purpose to get what you want. You can hold this purpose only as you get a clear mental picture of what you want; be sure that you have that. Also, remember that your actions will not have dynamic moving power unless you have an unwavering faith that you get what you want.
“Form a clear mental picture of what you want; hold the purpose to get it; do everything perfectly, not in a servile spirit, but because you are a Master Mind; keep unwavering faith in your ultimate attainment of your goal, and you cannot fail to move forward.”
“My mind is a center of Devine operation. The Devine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Devine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner in me; consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.”
“If you want to be free, truly free in today’s world, you must have a respectable income. Network marketing gives everyone, regardless of their past, an opportunity to become financially independent. The fact that only a small percentage accomplish that, is another thing.”
“Jenna is one of the winners, in fact, one of the biggest earners, if not the biggest, in network marketing worldwide. In the pages of this book, she tells you how she’s done it. And she tells it in such a way that you will see how you, too, can do it. That’s Jenna’s sole reason for writing this book.”
“There will be the triumph of the fair and just, of those brave ones who learned to walk faithfully through the shadow of Evil. When the Third Sargon comes to fight the Final Battles, they will be His swords. From the flaming battle crafts, will be destroyed the darkness with its rays. They will be victorious over the enemies, indifferent to his enormously greater numbers. And they will exalt themselves of the Earth’s hemisphere forever.”
(This is a reproduction of an article by Miguel Serrano that was published in Santiago, on the 16th of August of the year 104 (1993).)
The New World Order
One of the Rothschild, more than a hundred years ago, had said: “Money is power. Give me the money and I will own everything”. And they gave it; or better, he sought it, just when the rest believed that what was really important were the things, especially the things of the Earth, the apples, grapes, etc. Today, money poisons all things and we think that it is only worth the money that it produces – if it produces. But there is something more important than money and that was so even before the conforming to this “pipe dream”: Knowing. Rothschild knew that money was power, that is, he knew what he would do with the money. The truly important things are knowledge and the information, the “data banks”, that allow to deduce and to know, with almost a 100 percent probability, or safety, of what is going to happen. This is data processing and its current sophisticated technology.
On this basis, it is more or less fairly easy to understand what is happening on Earth. Avery small group, which up to today has been the proprietor of the money, has bought the producing brains of computer science, taking possession also of knowing. Result: The New Order or World Government, is in a few secret hands, although not unknown.