The Science of Being Great

The Science of Being Great

(a summary)

We ALL are made of the one intelligent substance, and therefore all contain the same essential powers and possibilities. Greatness is equally inherent in all, and may be manifested by all. Every person may become great. Every constituent of God is a constituent of man.

We may overcome both heredity and circumstances by exercising the inherent creative power of the soul. If we are to become great, the soul must act, and must rule the mind and the body. Our knowledge is limited, and we fall into error through ignorance; to avoid this we must connect our soul with Universal Spirit. Universal Spirit is the intelligent substance from which all things come; it is in and through all things. All things are known to this universal mind, and we can so unite ourselves with it as to enter into all knowledge.

Continue reading “The Science of Being Great”

Slanderous Talk

Slanderous Talk

“One of the most destructive evils is slanderous talk. It breaks human hearts and ruins reputations with a ruthlessness unknown in connection with all other evils.”

Forgive Others

Forgive Others


I fully and freely forgive _________; I release him/her mentally and spiritually. I completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question. I am free, and he/she is free. It is a marvellous feeling. It is my day of general amnesty. I release anybody and everybody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and every one health, happiness, peace, and all the blessings of life. I do this freely, joyously, and lovingly, and whenever I think of the person or persons who hurt me, I say, “I have released you, and all the blessings of life are yours. I am free and you are free.” It is wonderful!

Commentary: The great secret of true forgiveness is that once you have forgiven the person, it is unnecessary to repeat the affirmation. Whenever the person comes to your mind, or the particular hurt happens to enter your mind, wish the delinquent well, and say, “Peace be to you.” Do this as often as the thought enters your mind. You will find that after a few days the thought of the person or experience will return less and less often, until it fades into nothingness.

Joseph Murphy

Recommendation: It is highly recommended that the individual repeat their affirmation at least 6 times per recital in order for it to sink into the Subconscious Mind. By doing this, one is much more likely to have lasting success with the outcome of the affirmation. I personally use one new affirmation per week and repeat it daily during my morning coffee and studies.

52 Weekly Affirmations: Techniques to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind



Less than a thousand years ago, the Church still taught that our world was at the center of the universe. Today, we know that this is not the case, and yet there is something true in that old line of thought. To be frank, it’s not that the earth is the heart of creation – it’s that the heart of creation is here on earth. It’s in the name, it’s always in the name, but not until the First and the Last reveals Himself, that is when the Last once again becomes First shall we see.


Alas, our dilemma it seems will have no solution until the great wrong is made right.

The spiritual war of the eternal return is cosmic in nature as well as within each and every one of us. A battle for our very heart and soul and also for the future of this world. The ‘slaves of Atlantis’ have every intention of destroying this earth, but it need not be so. There is an alternative for those who do not quit. The Creative Spirit, which is the Heroic Spirit, shall prevail, in truth, He already has won. We are only unaware of this because we must still earn our place beyond the spiritual catastrophe.

Our hope is that in this little work that covers 20,000 years we may shed a little light on the dark dilemma that most of us intuitively feel as long back as we can remember. Many succumb and just plain give up because it seems so much easier, but then there are those who do not. The great souls that please God are those who never give up even though they believe that there is no chance of winning. They continue to struggle only because they feel it the right thing to do and it is to them that the hope written of in this work is given.

So, the question is what are we going to do about it? Is one content with being a blind slave looking for the next distraction or an awakening Hero of God? Only our actions in time will tell.

Joe Svenson

quoted from the introduction of the book, The Final Battalion

The Final Battalion

The Main Teachings of New Thought

The Main Teachings of New Thought

The following, expressed in many different forms, according to the views of the respective teachers, are the fundamental principles of The New Thought.

1. There is a Supreme Power back of, underlying, and in all things. It is Infinite, Illimitable, Eternal, and Unchangeable. It Is, has always been, and always will be. It is Omnipresent (present everywhere); Omnipotent (all-powerful, possessing all the power that is); and Omniscient (all-knowing, all-seeing, knowing everything, seeing everything). This Supreme Power – Universal Presence – All Mind – may be called MIND, SPIRIT, LAW, THE ABSOLUTE, FIRST CAUSE, NATURE, UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE, LIFE, or whatever name best suits the taste of the person using the term but call it what you will you mean this Supreme Power – the Centre. GOD is this great Universal Presence, and not the conception of a limited God held by any man. GOD must be illimitable, and all of the Universal must be an emanation of him.

2. Humanity is unfolding in consciousness, and many have now reached that stage of spiritual consciousness whereby they become conscious of the existence and immanence of God, and thus know rather than entertain a belief based upon the authority, real or assumed, of other men. This God-consciousness to which humanity is rapidly tending is the result of our unfoldment, development, and evolution for ages, and, when fully possessed by us, will completely revolutionize our present conceptions of life, our ethics, customs, conditions, and economics.

3. GOD is not a being afar off from us, full of wrath and punishment, but he is right here with us; all around us; even in us; understanding us from the beginning; realizing our limitations; full of love; and patiently seeing the gradual growth and unfoldment which brings us into a clearer understanding of him.

4. As to the reason of GODS plan and laws, The New Thought does not pretend to have the knowledge, holding that this cannot be known by Man in his present stage of development, although by reason and intuition he is beginning to understand that all is Good, and to see evidence of a loving, good, perfect, just and wise plan, in all the experiences of life. And having that Intelligent Faith which comes of the God-consciousness, it rests content, saying “GOD IS – and all is well.”

5. All is One –  all the Universe, high and low, developed and undeveloped, manifest and unmanifest, is One- all is an emanation of GOD. Everything in the universe is in touch with every other thing, and all is in connection with the Centre – GOD. Every atom is a part of a mighty whole, and nothing can happen to any atom without a corresponding effect upon every other part of the whole. The sense of separateness is an illusion of the undeveloped consciousness, but an illusion necessary in certain stages for the working out of the plan. When we have so far progressed in spiritual growth and unfoldment that certain heretofore dormant faculties awaken to consciousness, or rather when our consciousness has so far developed that it takes cognizance of certain faculties the existence of which has heretofore been unknown to us, we become conscious of the Oneness of All, and our relation to all that is. It is not merely a matter of intellectual conception, it is the growth of a new consciousness. The person who passes this simply knows; the person who has it not deems the idea allied to insanity. This Cosmic Knowing comes to many as an illumination; to others, it is a matter of gradual and slow development.

6. We are Spiritual beings; our Soul is Immortal New Thought teachers differ in their theories as to just how and where he will live in the future. However, when we obtain that wonderful assurance of immortality from our awakened spiritual faculties, we see no need of worrying about the “how” and “where”. We know that we are and will be. We have within us such an abiding sense of existence, and deathlessness, that all of humanity’s speculations seem like idle theories to us- useful in their place, of course, but of no vital importance to us. We know there are limits to the possible manifestations of life – we know that “infinity plus infinity” would not begin to express the possibilities before us, and we fret not. We learn to live in the NOW, for we know that we are in Eternity right now, just as much as we ever will be, and we proceed to Live. We are concerned with Life, not with Death, and we Live. We have confidence in GOD and in the Divine Plan and are content. We know that if our entire solar system, and every other system the suns of which are visible to us, were dissolved into their original elements, we would still exist, and would be still in the Universe. We know that the Universes large, and that we are a part of it – that we cannot be left out or banished from the Universe – that we are important atoms, and that our destruction would disarrange and destroy the whole. We know that while the Universe lasts – we last. That if we are destroyed the Universe is destroyed. We know that GOD had use for us or we would not be here, and we know that God makes no mistakes –  changes not his mind – and destroys no soul that he has expressed. We say: we are Sons of GOD; what we shall be doth not yet appear; but come what will we are still Sons of GOD; what our future may be, concerns us not – it is not our business – we will place our hands in that of the Father and say, “Lead Thou us on”.

7. Since we are immortal, Life can be seen only as being on an ascending scale, rising from lower to higher, and then on to higher and higher and higher. In the Universe there are beings much lower than us in the spiritual scale, and there are others much more advanced, much more highly developed than us, and we are progressing along a Path until someday we will be where they are; and others now much lower will someday be where we are now and so on.

8. There is a spiritual evolution going on in Humanity – we are growing, developing, and unfolding in spiritual attainment. Our minds are developing and causing us to unfold new faculties which will lead us to higher paths of attainment. The Higher Reason is beginning to make itself manifest. Humanity is nearing the plane of Cosmic Knowing.

9. “Thoughts are things” – every thought we think goes forth, carrying with it force which affects others to a greater or less extent, depending upon the forces behind our thought, and the mental attitude of the other persons. Like attracts like in the world of thought – we attract to ourselves thoughts in harmony with our own – people in harmony with our thoughts – even things are influenced by thought in varying degrees.

10. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” and we may change, and often do change, our entire character, and nature by a change of thoughts, an adjustment of mental attitude. Fear thought and Worry and all the rest of the foulbrood of negative thoughts attract thoughts, people, things, from the outside, and pull us down to the level of our thought-pictures. On the contrary, we may, by right thinking, raise ourselves from the mire, and surround ourselves with people and things corresponding to our thoughts. Thoughts take form in action.

11. The Mind is positive to the Body, and we may become sick or well-diseased or free from disease, according to our thoughts and mental attitude.

12. The Mind contains latent forces, lying dormant, awaiting the day of their unfoldment, which may be developed and trained and used in a wondrous way. We are in our infancy regarding the proper use of his mental powers.

This is only a little bit of the Truth. Every other man or woman has his or her bit, so that this portion is merely as a grain of sand on the seashore.

Mauricio Chaves-Mesen

as quoted from his introductory article,

The History, Influences, and Principles of The New Thought Movement and The Importance to The Works of Genevieve Behrend

Genevieve Behrend Collection

The Science of Being Well

The Science of Being Well

The Basic Truths of The Science of Being Well

There is a Thinking Substance from which all things are made and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. It is the life of All.

The thought of a form in this Substance causes the form; the thought of a motion produces the motion. In relation to humanity, the thoughts of this Substance are always of perfect functioning and perfect health.

A person is a thinking center, capable of original thought; and his thought has power over his own functioning. By thinking imperfect thoughts, he has caused imperfect and perverted functioning; and by performing the voluntary functions of life in a perverted manner, he has assisted in causing disease.    

If a person will think only thoughts of perfect health, all the Power of Life will be exerted to assist him. But this healthy functioning will not continue unless a person performs the external, or voluntary, functions of living in a healthy manner.

A Summary of The Science of Being Well

Health is perfectly natural functioning, normal living. There is a Principle of Life in the universe; it is the Living Substance, from which all things are made. This Living Substance permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. In its invisible state, it is in and through all forms, and yet all forms are made of it.

To illustrate: Suppose that a very fine and highly diffusible aqueous vapor should permeate and penetrate a block of ice. The ice is formed from living water and is living water in form, while the vapor is also living water, unformed, permeating a form made from itself. This illustration will explain how Living Substance permeates all forms made from it. All life comes from It. It is all the life there is.

The Universal Substance is a thinking substance and takes the form of its thought. The thought of a form, held by it, creates the form; and the thought of a motion causes the motion. It cannot help thinking, and so is forever creating. And it must move on toward a fuller and more complete expression of itself. This means toward more complete life and more perfect functioning – and that means toward perfect health. The power of the living substance must always be exerted toward perfect health. It is a force in all things making for perfect functioning.

All things are permeated by a power that makes for health. A human being can relate himself to this power and ally himself with it. He can also separate himself from it in his thoughts.

A human being is a form of this Living Substance and has within him a Principle of Health. This Principle of Health, when in full constructive activity, causes all the involuntary functions of the human body to be perfectly performed.

A human being is a thinking substance, permeating a visible body, and the processes of his body are controlled by his thought.

When a person thinks only thoughts of perfect health, the internal processes of his body will be those of perfect health. A person’s first step toward perfect health must be to form a conception of himself perfectly healthy and as doing all things in the way and manner of a perfectly healthy person. Having formed this conception, he must relate himself to it in all his thoughts and sever all thought relations with disease and weakness. If he does this and thinks his thoughts of health with positive FAITH, a person will cause the Principle of Health within him to become constructively active and to heal all his diseases. He can receive additional power from the universal Principle of Life by faith, and he can acquire faith by looking to this Principal of Life with reverent gratitude for the health it gives him. If a person will consciously accept the health which is being continually given to him by the Living Substance, and if will be duly grateful for it, he will develop faith.

A person cannot think only thoughts of perfect health unless he performs the voluntary functions of life in a perfectly healthy manner. These voluntary functions are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. If a person thinks only thoughts of health, has faith in health, and eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in a perfectly healthy way, he must have perfect health.

Health is the result of thinking and acting in a Certain Way, and if a sick person begins to think and act in this Way, the Principle of Health within him will come into constructive activity and heal all his diseases. This Principle of Health is the same in all and is related to the Life Principle of the universe. It is able to heal every disease and will come into activity whenever a person thinks and acts in accordance with the Science of Being Well. Therefore, every person can attain perfect health.

Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Being Well

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the Journey

“Live your life each day as you

would climb a mountain.

An occasional glance toward the

summit keeps the goal in mind,

but many beautiful scenes are

to be observed from each new

vantage point.

Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying

each passing moment;

and the view from the summit will serve

as a fitting climax for the journey.”

Harold V. Melchert

If I Could Just Get Organized

If I Could Just Get Organized

There may be nothing wrong with you,
The way you live, the work you do,
But I can very plainly see
Exactly what is wrong with me.
It isn’t that I’m indolent,
Or dodging duty by intent;
I work as hard as anyone,
And yet I get so little done,
The morning goes, the noon is here,
Before I know, the night is near,
And all around me, I regret,
Are things I haven’t finished yet.
If I could just get organized!
I oftentimes have realized
Not all that matters is the man;
The man must also have a plan.

With you, there may be nothing wrong
But here’s my trouble right along;
I do the things that don’t amount
To very much, of no account,
That really seem important though
And let a lot of matters go.
I nibble this, I nibble that,
But never finish what I’m at.
I work as hard as anyone
And yet, I get so little done,
I’d do so much you’d be surprised,
If I could just get organized!

Douglas Malloch

From Failure to Success

Force yourself to act enthusiastic, and you’ll become enthusiastic.

One of the greatest satisfactions in life comes from getting things done and knowing that you have done them to the best of your ability. If you are having trouble getting yourself organized, if you want to increase your ability to think, and do things in the order of their importance, remember there is only one way: Take more time to think and do things in the order of their importance. Set aside one day as self-organization day, or a definite period each week. The whole secret of freedom from anxiety over not having enough time lies not in working more hours, but in the proper planning of hours.

“Make a high and holy resolve that you will double the amount of enthusiasm that you have been putting into your work and into your life. If you carry out that resolve, you will probably double your income, and double your happiness.”

“To Become Enthusiastic, Act Enthusiastic.”

Frank Bettger

How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling 

Quantum Shift in the Global Brain

Quantum Shift in the Global Brain

What is a quantum shift in the global brain?

The global brain is the quasi-neural energy- and information- processing network created by the billions of humans on the planet, interacting in many ways, private as well as public, and on many levels, local as well as global.

A quantum shift in the global brain is a sudden and fundamental transformation in the relations of a significant segment of the billions of humans to each other and to nature—a macroshift in society—and a likewise sudden and fundamental transformation in cutting-edge perceptions regarding the nature of reality—a paradigm shift in science. The two shifts together make for a veritable “reality revolution” in society as well as in science.


The Reality Revolution

In the first decade of the twenty-first century we face a new reality, individually as well as collectively. Our reality is shifting because the human world has become unstable and is no longer sustainable. But the reality revolution harbours a unique opportunity. This last decade is the first in history that offers the choice between being the last decade of a fading, obsolete world or the first of a new and viable one.

Continue reading “Quantum Shift in the Global Brain”

The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

(a summary)

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; otherwise, he cannot be in harmony with the Formless Intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

Man may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of Substance, so that man’s thoughts are received by the Formless. Man can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the Formless Intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.

Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become; and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him. The Man who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating his Vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the reality is being given to him. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the Formless, and the creative forces set in motion.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural growth, and of the industrial and social order. All that is included in his mental image will surely be brought to the man who follows the instructions given above, and who’s faith does not waver. What he wants will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce.

In order to receive his own when it shall come to him, man must be active; and this activity can only consist in more than filling his present place. He must keep in mind the Purpose to get rich through the realization of his mental image. And he must do, every day, all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. He must give to every man a use value in excess of the cash value he receives, so that each transaction makes for more life; and he must so hold the Advancing Thought that the Impression of Increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes in contact.

The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich; and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their Vision, the fixity of their Purpose, the steadiness of their Faith, and the depth of their Gratitude.

Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich – FREE DOWNLOAD

The Science of Getting Rich – Audiobook

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles – Audiobook
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