Quantum Shift in the Global Brain
What is a quantum shift in the global brain?
The global brain is the quasi-neural energy- and information- processing network created by the billions of humans on the planet, interacting in many ways, private as well as public, and on many levels, local as well as global.
A quantum shift in the global brain is a sudden and fundamental transformation in the relations of a significant segment of the billions of humans to each other and to nature—a macroshift in society—and a likewise sudden and fundamental transformation in cutting-edge perceptions regarding the nature of reality—a paradigm shift in science. The two shifts together make for a veritable “reality revolution” in society as well as in science.
The Reality Revolution
In the first decade of the twenty-first century we face a new reality, individually as well as collectively. Our reality is shifting because the human world has become unstable and is no longer sustainable. But the reality revolution harbours a unique opportunity. This last decade is the first in history that offers the choice between being the last decade of a fading, obsolete world or the first of a new and viable one.
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